We bring you this week’s edition of the Panthers fan mailbag. Come bring us your burning questions!
Hello CSR! Welcome to Brian Asks, your weekly Panthers fan mailbag for everyone! The first cog in the offseason machine has spun, and now we eye free agency. Coaching staffs across the league will start to meet with their favorite rookie prospects, while front offices jockey around with the cap and their rosters to put themselves in position to sign the best free agents to fit their team and (hopefully) but themselves in a good position going into the Draft. So, for this edition’s Topic Of The Week, who impressed you the most at the Combine?
To recap, Brian Asks is your weekly spot to come ask your burning questions, or respond to the Topic Of The Week, all to drum up some fun fan discussion. Later in the week, I’ll answer questions and highlight the best responses to our topic. So, comment down below with everything you’d like to talk about. It can be Panthers related, football related, or even completely off topic.
Bring us your questions, and KEEP POUNDING!